Hello, my name is
And I'm a
About Me

About me

I'm Dayln and I'm a

Hey There! I love designing and making Websites 😁 I been coding since Grade 8 I am part of Team 3683 Team DAVE in First Robotics Compation (FRC) and I am a Photographer! And I am a really hard worker, and know how to interact within a stressful work everoment and I have a Friendly Personality And have amazing customer services skills! I am known Web Developer to a handful of people and I work/make amazing websites! I know Many diffrent Code Lanaguges!

My Skills

My Skills

Web Design

HTML , CSS and JavaScript, EJS, PHP

Software Developing

Python , C++ , C# , React and Node JS, EJS, Java, Express, PHP, SSH, Linux, WPLIB

Personal Skills

Friendly, Helpful, Caring, Responsible

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.
EJS 85%
CSS 60%
JavaScript 50%
Java 70%

My Projects

Contact me

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